competitors who are positioned on the first page of Googleresults. When it comes to ROI, you must also take into account the competition,in order to adapt your strategy in such a way that you can advance it. 6)Create alerts with the help of Google Alerts for monitoring branding , keywordstargeted by you or monitoring the competition. The ultimate goal of any onlinemarketing campaign is to make a profit. Thus, the ROI following SEOoptimization must have an impact on sales, in such a way as to generate profit,not just amortize the investment. Therefore, the income/receipts must increasewith the traffic, this aspect indicating a truly positive ROI. Keep in mind,however, , with asatisfactory ROI and the
dominance of the top positions in Google, can be seen overtime, after approximately 5-6 months. And in the case of a competitive niche,it can even take up to 12 months until the results start to appear, to recoveryour investment and to make a profit. WHAT ARE THE NEWEST TRENDS Italy WhatsApp Number Data IN ONLINEMARKETING? Ovidiu Joita SEO courses 0 comments 2051 views Ever since itsappearance, the online environment is one that constantly reinvents itself,going through constant changes. Every year, certain trends becomeanachronistic, while new ones appear and experience a fulminant rise,transferring the impulse of change to consumer preferences. All these aspectsdefine the world of online marketing, which has to evolve with these changes toremain relevant as
a promotional tool. Here are the newest trends in onlinemarketing and how to apply them correctly so that your business remainsrelevant to the audience you are targeting: The mobile version of the websitebecomes a priority Probably the most important announcement that Google hasmade in 2017 it was "Mobile-first Index", a new listing factor thatcame into effect in 2018 and which involves indexing the mobile version of asite as the first. In fact, Google only paid attention to the behavior ofusers, over