Web Analytics strategy for longer than I'd like to admit. The problem is that many digital marketers don't really understand Web Analytics .Do you know what Web Analytics is? Web Analytics is the process of tracking, understanding and making decisions based on data that results in business growth. It's important to pay attention if you don't do these three things (track, understand and act).
meaning you're only scratching the surface of what you can achieve as a digital marketer.This Web Belgium Mobile Number List Analytics strategy guide will teach you how to do it RIGHT, even if you have no analytics experience at all.How to Create a how about you, but the first time I opened Google Analytics, I was terrified.Intimidating!I thought I would have all the data I needed to understand what was going on in my business…… but it didn't work out the way I thought it would.

Expectation: At the end my fingers, I would have the data to understand exactly who my site visitors were, where they came from, and what they were doing on my site. Reality: I curled up in a ball, cried, and didn't open Google Analytics again for several months. For a time For a long time, I had Web Analytics trauma. The problem was, there was SO MUCH data in Google Analytics, and I didn't know where to start. I went into Google Analytics and tried to understand what was going on and a few hours later walked out feeling like I hadn't learned nothing.