management and engagement attention. Digital tools andstrategies defined for these two processes can help improve employeesatisfaction and productivity. Layoffs: advice to SMEs on employee dismissalprocesses Published on 2023-07-20 by Tessa Anaya The decision to make layoffscan be unexpected and difficult for employers and employees alike. What are thereasons for laying off staff? How are employees supported and what canbusinesses do to help? Capterra surveyed more than 1,000 small and medium-sizedbusiness (SMB) employees to learn more about employee exit processes. Studycarried out among SME employees on the processes and reasons for layoffs inCanada in 2023 What we're going to talk about More than a third of employees
surveyed experienced layoffs in the last year The most citedreason Bulgaria Mobile Number List for layoffs? The decline in operations Nearly one in three SMEs do notsupport employees after dismissal 41% of SMEs have no dismissal process inplace The role of increasing skills to adapt to changing business needs How todeal with layoffs in Canada You probably know that the information technologysector has made numerous layoffs in early 2023. Unfortunately, the factors thatled to these layoffs may also affect other sectors. Rising prices , changingconsumer habits , supply chain issues and other disruptions have forced Firing an employee is never easy. WhileHR tools can facilitate some aspects of layoff communication, laying offemployees

can have a tangible impact on team morale and productivity,company reputation and culture, and may even legal consequences if not donecorrectly . To better understand what is behind the number of layoffs and howthey are being carried out, Capterra surveyed more than 1,000 part-time andfull-time employees (285 of them residing in Quebec) who work in the samebusiness for a year. You will find the full methodology at the bottom of thisarticle. More than a third of employees surveyed experienced layoffs in thelast year Recently, the number of employed Canadians has dropped drastically.Although the province of Quebec has recovered somewhat, this wave of layoffshas led to a notable increase in unemployment for the first time in ninemonths.