Not only does its AI-driven technology help give itscustomers a seamless shopping experience, but by automatically tracking stockand inventory in real-time, the store’s rolling kiosks provide its marketerswith invaluable insights on consumer shopping trends. Speaking about thebrand’s technological triumph, Josh Shabtai, Director of Lab Productions atLowe’s Innovation Labs, explained: We utilize our stores as living labs to rapidlytest our prototypes and gather real-world feedback on the new experiences we’redelivering to demystify home improvement.Netflix’s AI-centric user contentsuggestion tool Netflix Netflix Netflix, the world’s leading SVoD contentstreaming service, needs little introduction. However, not many people knowthat it’s possible to attribute a great deal of the unstoppable success ofNetflix to its cutting-edge approach to AI.
As we know, user experience UX isparamount to the ongoing success Find Your Mobile Number List of any business, regardless of its industry –and when a customer has a positive experience with a brand they're likely toshare it with their peers online. To enhance its overall UX and tailor itsservice to the individual user, Netflix uses AI-driven machine learning technologyto provide personalized content recommendations based on a user’s preferencesin addition to what they’ve enjoyed in the past. Moreover, Netflix uses an AIdevelopment to automatically optimize streaming quality and avoid any qualityor buffering issues. Overof the shows people watch on Netflix are now based onits personal recommendations platform – a testament to its power in a timewhere people demand more value than ever from the brands they’re willing toinvest in.

AI Digital Advertising Examples The Economist’s targeted AI adcontent delivery innovation The Economist is awidely-respected digital publication but around , its audience began todwindle. The publication leveraged the process of AI-driven programmatic advertisingto its advantage, buying and selling targeted adverts autonomously. By usingthis process to capture data and analyze consumer data in detail, The Economistwas able to identify a segment of its audience that it considered to bereluctant readers. By analyzing web and app usage autonomously, they drilleddown into specific reading habits or preferences and, as a result, found betterways of approaching their prospects online. Also, by focusing on matchingcookie, subscriber and additional data sets to discover new segments and createlookalike audiences, the publication managed to yield a host of positiveresults that have served to boost its readership levels once again. In summary,this forward-thinking campaign encouraged million new readers to engage withthe publication, achieving an overall return on investment of : from theinitial wave of revenue generated from these prospects.