Specifically, this phase is divided into: Identification of the company mission or the values on which we want to position our brand The product and service we offer or sell, then identify all the characteristics, but above all carry out a SWOT analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses Target study : who are we addressing? Fateful question that needs an answer. It is necessary to carry out an analysis of the public's behavior, what they like and, consequently, adapt the tone of voice of our communication Choose the social channels in which to convey our communication , because not all social networks are suitable for all businesses Analyzing the competitors ,
an important step because it helps to understand on which points we can focus our strategy and take creative ideas (not copying) on which to base our content strategy Definition of objectives The dissemination of content should be Austria WhatsApp Number guided and planned according to the goals of the global strategy of the relevant business. Some of the objectives that can be achieved with a multi-channel communication approach , implemented through an editorial plan, include: brand recognition, creation of loyalty, brand reputation , acquisition of potential customers, advertising, transformation of visitors into customers, increase in visits to the website and active interaction on social media.

Target analysis Who is the message intended for? Who currently follows the channels used? Who is the ideal customer you want to reach (the famous " buyer personas ")? Where do the interests of the brand and your audience overlap? What are their interests? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself. The answers will help you analyze your target in the right way. To find the answers you can refer to sector studies, analysis of visits to the website, information taken from social media or surveys commissioned from expert agencies. Channel analysis ,