Therefore it is worth using reviews to increase the brand's marketing effect. Reviews are the most va uab e ty e of user generated content User Generated Content so they need to be ex osed and so icited. First of a it is worth osting reviews on the com any's website. Thanks to this users wi become are im ortant to the brand. Equa y im ortant is making it easier for them to ost reviews by sim ifying the review rocess. You can a so so icit reviews yourse f. A good idea is to encourage users to dis ay them via mai ing socia media or remarketing ads. It's a so a good idea to offer customers benefits in exchange for osting reviews.
An intangib e benefit for them may be osting the best reviews on their website or socia media. In turn materia benefits may be discounts or rizes in com etitions where the condition for artici ation is writing a Phone Number List review. Choose user generated content Reviews are just one ty e of user generated content. Other content such as User Generated Content UGC re ies more on creativity and can bring great benefits to the brand.
According to research JWT Inte igence i Sna Inc % of Generation Z be ieve that their generation is definite y more creative than revious generations. Young users use smart hones every day whose a ications enab e various ty es of creative activities. Sna chat is considered the most creativity friend y a fo owed by YouTube Instagram Facebook and TikTok. It is worth using the creative tendencies of this generation for your own marketing ur oses through user generated content. It is a good idea to encourage users to create hotos and videos that are re ated to the brand. Of course you cannot ex ect intrusive marketing from consumers but re y on their creativity.